November 22, 2024你的位置不可或缺 | Reserved Seating – Your Place MattersRead more November 15, 2024徹底的愛 | Radical loveRead more November 8, 2024勝過罪的能力 | The power to overcome sinRead more Our Vision 我們的異象A church family that impacts the world. 一個影響世界的教會家庭。 Senior Pastor:Chang-Guo Jeng 鄭昌國 牧師 Abundant Life in Jesus Christ. 歡迎您加入到我們當中,一起享受在基督裡的豐盛生命。 瞭解更多 Victory Church familyWelcome to Join us !! our beliefsGod, the Father is Eternally Good. 我們的信念:天父上帝是永恆美好的, 教會將要不斷的得勝…. More 瞭解更多我們的信念 The Grace of Giving A Generous Soul Will Prosper. God Bless Cheerful Givers! Ways to give 奉獻方式 Church Location 10F, #55, Zhong-Cheng Road Sec 2, Shilin District, Taipei, Taiwan 111教會地址:111 台北市士林區忠誠路二段55號10樓 Service Time | Sunday 星期日 10:00AM-12:00PM 中英雙語 Bilingual Victory church, we host the Presence of God